I have an unexplained crash I am trying to figure out.
This is a pretty static system, that has been running fine for a couple years.
It crashed at 7:45am which is after any nightly bakups have all been done, so
not even under any load.  All other aspects of the system such as i/o,ram,cpu,
number of mysql threads, requests per second look nominal at the time(based on
sar and custom stats graphed in mrtg).  My maintenance scripts that check all
dbs and repair if necessary run weekly, which was a few days ago.

Unfortunately, I do not have --debug compiled in so I did not get a stacktrace.
It has been running fine since the crash(safe_mysqld restarted it fine), the 
other crash in my log was my own fault when I ran the system out of memory and 
kernel killed off some mysqld procs a few weeks ago.

Thanks for any ideas you can give me.
Here is the error log message:

mysqld got signal 11;
This could be because you hit a bug. It is also possible that this binary
or one of the libraries it was linked against is corrupt, improperly built,
or misconfigured. This error can also be caused by malfunctioning hardware.
We will try our best to scrape up some info that will hopefully help diagnose
the problem, but since we have already crashed, something is definitely wrong
and this may fail.

It is possible that mysqld could use up to key_buffer_size + (read_buffer_size + sort_buffer_size)*max_connections = 3667964 K
bytes of memory
Hope that's ok; if not, decrease some variables in the equation.

Attempting backtrace. You can use the following information to find out
where mysqld died. If you see no messages after this, something went
terribly wrong...
Bogus stack limit or frame pointer, fp=0xbfebda48, stack_bottom=0x2, 
thread_stack=126976, aborting backtrace.
Trying to get some variables.
Some pointers may be invalid and cause the dump to abort...
thd->query at 0x7110e120  is invalid pointer
The manual page at http://www.mysql.com/doc/en/Crashing.html contains
information that should help you find out what is causing the crash.

Number of processes running now: 0
060804 07:45:47  mysqld restarted
/usr/sbin/mysqld: ready for connections.
Version: '4.0.20-standard-log'  socket: '/tmp/mysql.sock'  port: 3306

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