Hi all,
I've just started building my Myth system and wanted to run an idea by more experienced users to make sure I'm not crazy.

Here's the story:  I live out in the middle of nowhere where the only TV that exists is satellite (DirecTV, in our area).  I have some family moving nearby who is going to get a system, which by default comes with FOUR set-top boxes!  Four is a lot of boxes for only two people, and they have graciously offered us the use of one of the extra boxes.

So I got this great idea that I'd set up a Myth system at their house, program it from my house (yeah for web interface!), and record myself some TV.  My plan is to have a two or three removable hard drives (actually, just some normal drives that are easy to access) and I would swap them around to record shows.  So stuff would get recorded onto driveA, then at some point I'd come by and swap it with driveB.  Then recording could continue on driveB and I'd take driveA home with me and watch it there.  The computer at home would also have Myth, so the file types and arrangements should still work, and I'll get to play with the game emulator, too!

Does this make sense?  Does it seem at all feasible?  From the outside, it seems pretty simple, but those are famous last words.  I would love any thoughts on this plan -- tips from anyone who has done anything similar, horror stories on why I am doomed, whatever.

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