I solved the problem!

Actually the problem is in the mythweb code (if you are using your web
server/php with your own prefs, i.e. running other websites).  There
are quite a few cases of php short tags "<?" used instead of "<?php". 
Since I have some other web apps that are XML driven (and hence depend
on "<?")  I took all the cases of "<?" and changed them to "<?php". 
All better now. :)

Thanks for your help!


On 8/1/05, Chris Petersen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I am operating on a brand new FC4 install with yum having updated the
> > system (and installed mythtv-suite).  I couldn't find anything on this
> > error in the mythtv.org website or on this list, has anyone run into
> > this?  Thanks!
> My best guess is that something got corrupted in the package or during
> the install.  My suggestion is to reinstall, and if that doesn't work,
> try installing the tarball instead of the rpm.
> Since you didn't list the version (I assume it's .18.1), and those line
> numbers correspond to the last line of each of those files, my guess is
> that there's a missing } somewhere.   Maybe you want to just grab those
> specific files from the release tree:
> http://svn.mythtv.org/trac/browser/branches/release-0-18-fixes/mythplugins/mythweb/themes/Default
> -Chris

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Set a man on fire- keep him warm for the
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