I'm using MythTV 0.17 (from ATrpms) with a pcHDTV HD-3000 card and the dvb drivers (version 2.0 from pcHDTV's site). I followed directions from various guides and believe that I have things configured correctly, but if I attempt to view live TV using the HD-3000 card, I get no video and the following errors:

   X Error: BadMatch (invalid parameter attributes) 8
     Major opcode:  141
     Minor opcode:  14
     Resource id:  0x1ba
   2005-03-29 21:56:23.549 Couldn't get the color key color, and we
   need it.
   You likely won't get any video.
   2005-03-29 21:56:23.760 Changing from WatchingLiveTV to None
   2005-03-29 21:56:23.774 Enable DPMS
   2005-03-29 21:56:23.781 Using protocol version 14
   2005-03-29 21:56:23.851 Disable DPMS
   2005-03-29 21:56:28.861 taking too long to be allowed to read..
   2005-03-29 21:56:33.862 taking too long to be allowed to read..
   2005-03-29 21:56:38.863 taking too long to be allowed to read..
   2005-03-29 21:56:38.863 Took more than 10 seconds to be allowed to
   read, aborting.
   (repeat ad nauseum...)

I'm using the latest nVidia drivers (1.0-7167) for my GeForce 6800GT/AGP and have made sure that GLX is configured and loaded properly (bzflag is a GREAT test case!). I've tried both with and without XvMC acceleration turned on...same result.

Has anyone else seen this problem and been able to get around it, and if so, can you please post your solution?

Also, a couple more questions for anyone that might have an answer (please respond to any that you know about):

   * The HD-3000 card does both SD (NTSC) and HD (ATSC) reception.  I
     _believe_ that there's only one tuner, though, not two...is that
     correct (that's too bad)?  Has anyone been successful using a
     single HD-3000 for both NTSC and ATSC in MythTV?  If so, can you
     enlighten me as to your MythTV setup, specifically the Capture
     Card settings?

   * The latest nVidia cards (at least the 6800 and 6600 that I just
     bought) advertise "MPEG _encode_ and decode support" (see
     http://www.nvidia.com/object/geforce6_techspecs.html under
     PureVideo).  Does anyone know of the ENCODE support has been
     looked at in the Linux environment?  Might it be a way to do
     MPEG-2 encoding for NTSC tuner cards (such as the HD-3000) which
     don't have built-in hardware encoding?  Pointers gladly followed...



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