(All of the following, plus a screenshot are available at <http://mickc.whizardries.com/index.cfm?objectID=3890A411-B571-2DD8-CFB0E84F47440305>)

Sometimes when I finish watching a show on my MythTV box (running SVN r7200) I get what I can only describe as an error. It shows the titles of that are in the database along with "Sorry, No Recordings Available". I think I recall this happening all the way back to 1.18.0, but not prior to that.

It seems to be that Myth's backend has lost touch with the database:

2005-09-08 20:57:26.171 Database not open while trying to load setting: JobQueueMaxSimultaneousJobs
    2005-09-08 20:57:26.173 DB Error (KickDatabase):
    Query was:
    Driver error was [2/2006]:
    QMYSQL3: Unable to execute query
    Database error was:
    MySQL server has gone away

    2005-09-08 20:57:26.225 DB Error (KickDatabase):
    Query was:
    Driver error was [2/2006]:
    QMYSQL3: Unable to execute query
    Database error was:
    MySQL server has gone away

2005-09-08 20:57:26.283 DB Error (Error in JobQueue::GetJobs(), Unable to query list of Jobs in Queue.):
    Query was:
SELECT j.id, j.chanid, j.starttime, j.inserttime, j.type, j.cmds, j.flags, j.status, j.statustime, j.hostname, j.args, j.comment, r.endtime FROM jobqueue j, recorded r WHERE j.chanid = r.chanid AND j.starttime = r.starttime ORDER BY j.inserttime, j.chanid, j.id;
    Driver error was [2/2006]:
    QMYSQL3: Unable to execute query
    Database error was:
    MySQL server has gone away

Although why this would be is beyond me since the database is still up.

I would appreciate any insight that anyone would have about what is happening and how I might fix it.

Mickey Chandler
Chief Operating Whizard
Whizardries, Inc.: <http://www.whizardries.com>
Our new site: <http://www.my-debt-reduction-plan.com/>

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