So here's my problem:

I'm replacing my existing test Myth install (FC1, Myth 0.16) which
worked fine (both audio and video), but the menus and overall system
responsiveness were just so-so.

Installed KnoppMyth 45, everything went pretty smoothly.  I'm happier
with KnoppMyth than my previous setup in every way, except that I get
scratchy audio (Via 82xx onboard).  I played with mixer settings over
and over trying to fix it without success.  I found posts regarding the
Via 82xx saying to adjust the dxs_support module option.  I tried
1,2,3,4 as options without any resolution.

I decided to dump ALSA and go for OSS (I think that's what FC1 used
anyway (let me know if that's not true), and audio worked there...).  I
downloaded the OSS files, installed and ran the produced
perfect audio.  The docs say to make sure that no other audio drivers or
modules are loading, so I checked modules, modules.conf, modutils, make sure.

At first I didn't realize that the OSS driver wasn't loading
automatically at boot, so I was trying to run Myth without it loaded,
and it complained about /dev/dsp0 (no such device), and I wouldn't get
any audio at all...but at least it would still let me see video (albeit
silently).  Once I realized that the driver wasn't auto loading, I ran
'soundon' to load the driver (it reports good driver loading), then run
Myth.  This time Myth gives no errors, just locks up the frontend on a
black screen, still no audio (and now no video).

I know OSS is working, since the test comes out perfect...I know the
driver is loading (b/c so far, I'm doing it by hand), but Myth locks up
on a black screen when you try to view TV...I have the audio device in
Myth set to /dev/dsp0 which is the device that the successful OSS test

Any idea what I can do to get this working?


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