I have came accross this remote 
http://www.flickr.com/photos/richardbronosky/92962671/ ehich came with 
the Dell that my Mother-in-Law got upsold into.  (The sales guy told her 
she needed MCE cause it was the newest thing and she didn't want her 
computer to be out of date the day she got it.  But they didn't even put 
a tuner in the machine.</rant>)

Has anyone ever used one of these?  It seems like it should be the same 
as a KMS MCE remote, right?  It appears to be recognized as a keyboard, 
but many of the buttons do nothing.  So I installed Sven 
http://sven.linux.kiev.ua/index-en.shtml which gives my the power to map 
a few more of the buttons, but there are still many that do not send 
keycodes to Sven.  I know the Remote is transmiting and being received, 
because there is a little receive light on the USB base.  I love the key 
layout, now I just need to make the Pictures, Music, DVD, and Videos 
buttons do something.

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