I'm well and truely kicking myself after having done an update without checking the forums first.

Whenever I try and run anything vaugely myth related I now recieve the relocation error which I believe from spending an hour searching the lists is down to a QT problem?

Bizarely enough, a standard apt-get install mythtv-suite would not proceed due to not being able to install mythbrowser ( >= 0.17) as a dependancy - however a dist upgrade pulled in the myth .17 packages which I'm now deeply regretting!

From reading back on the list, it appears installing an updated version of QT is the only way to go?

remove redhat-artwork -D (to take out dependancies as well)
Install redhat-artwork rpm from FC2? using RPM command
Then use apt-get to install any packages that were removed (gdm? needed for auto login? Xine etc)

1) Is the above likely to work? Is there any other fix?
2) Is this simply a stop gap / hack of a fix where more and more problems will surface as time goes by, would it be better to switch to a newer distro version now?
3) Is there a link to the needed FC2 package? (just to avoid the possiblility of messing up further?)
4) I also notice mention of using the bleeding sources, rather than stable is this necassery? What do I need to do precisely?

Apologies for asking for hand holding, but I would rather not mess up the box anymore than I already have.

Any help is greatly appreciated.

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