I regularly have playback problems on my Macintosh either wireless or
wired. I have a backend running FC3 and MythTV version

After selecting a video to playback in a few seconds it freezes and
then exits. The logs below shows a period of time where the log shows
128000. What does this mean? Other FC3 frontends don't freeze when
playing back.

I have also installed MythTV with the same problems.
My Mac showed problems with Panther and Tiger with binary packages and
my own compiles.


Partial log file using -v all
2005-07-03 13:25:25.541 13      ACCEPT[]:[]15
2005-07-03 13:25:25.548 MainServer::HandleAnnounce Playback
2005-07-03 13:25:25.549 adding: fuji.local as a client (events: 0)
2005-07-03 13:25:25.550 2       OK
2005-07-03 13:25:25.593 15909   23[]:[]Oprah[]:[]Insiders' Secrets To Make...
2005-07-03 13:25:26.000 MainServer::HandleAnnounce Playback
2005-07-03 13:25:26.001 adding: fuji.local as a client (events: 1)
2005-07-03 13:25:26.002 2       OK
2005-07-03 13:25:32.307 Local file path:
2005-07-03 13:25:32.309 1       1
2005-07-03 13:25:32.381 MainServer::HandleAnnounce Playback
2005-07-03 13:25:32.382 adding: fuji.local as a client (events: 0)
2005-07-03 13:25:32.383 2       OK
2005-07-03 13:25:32.391 MainServer::HandleAnnounce FileTransfer
2005-07-03 13:25:32.392 adding: fuji.local as a remote file transfer
2005-07-03 13:25:32.395 Local file path:
2005-07-03 13:25:32.397 30      OK[]:[]36[]:[]0[]:[]-905020775
2005-07-03 13:25:32.525 6       128000
2005-07-03 13:25:32.533 7       0[]:[]0
2005-07-03 13:25:32.550 6       128000
2005-07-03 13:25:32.569 6       128000
2005-07-03 13:25:32.591 6       128000
2005-07-03 13:25:32.611 6       128000
2005-07-03 13:25:32.628 6       128000
2005-07-03 13:25:32.653 6       128000
2005-07-03 13:25:32.668 6       128000
2005-07-03 13:25:32.686 6       128000
2005-07-03 13:25:32.706 6       128000
2005-07-03 13:25:32.726 6       128000
2005-07-03 13:25:32.745 6       128000
2005-07-03 13:25:32.773 6       128000
2005-07-03 13:25:32.812 6       128000
2005-07-03 13:25:32.852 6       128000
2005-07-03 13:25:32.871 6       128000
2005-07-03 13:25:32.889 6       128000
2005-07-03 13:25:32.909 6       128000
2005-07-03 13:25:32.928 6       128000
2005-07-03 13:25:32.945 6       128000
2005-07-03 13:25:32.964 6       128000
2005-07-03 13:25:32.983 6       128000
2005-07-03 13:25:33.001 6       128000
2005-07-03 13:25:33.019 6       128000
2005-07-03 13:25:33.039 6       128000
2005-07-03 13:25:33.059 6       128000
2005-07-03 13:25:33.077 6       128000
2005-07-03 13:25:33.093 6       128000
2005-07-03 13:25:34.191 6       128000
2005-07-03 13:25:34.947 JobQueue currently set at 1 job(s) max and to
run new jobs from 00:00 to 23:59
2005-07-03 13:25:34.952 JobQueue::GetJobsInQueue: findJobs search
bitmask 4, found 0 total jobs
2005-07-03 13:25:46.525 13      0[]:[]3456000
2005-07-03 13:25:46.833 2       ok
2005-07-03 13:25:46.888 15909   23[]:[]Oprah[]:[]Insiders' Secrets To Make...
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