Thanks Marc and Korey..

That was the ticket.

The link

In combination with the info provided by Mark Tousignant put me in the right

When I listed the users, only the root users had a Y in ANY of the privilege
columns.  I used the GRANT functions to add the privileges and everything
dropped into place.

> From: Korey Fort <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Reply-To: Discussion about mythtv <>
> Date: Fri, 1 Jul 2005 23:40:50 -0500
> To: 'Discussion about mythtv' <>
> Subject: RE: [mythtv-users] Frontends can't find database, can't connect
> You have to do the same for all of the users who connect to the database no
> bind necessary. 
> -----Original Message-----
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Michael Jones
> Sent: Friday, July 01, 2005 11:18 PM
> To: Discussion about mythtv
> Subject: Re: [mythtv-users] Frontends can't find database, can't connect
> Marc, 
> Thanks.. I'll give that part a shot..
> However, 
> Acutally I can only connect to the mysql database LOCALLY as root.. I can't
> do squat from a remote front end (root or otherwise). .
> I may have to dig into the bind addresses or something..
> - Michael
>> From: Marc Tousignant <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> Reply-To: Discussion about mythtv <>
>> Date: Fri, 1 Jul 2005 21:34:45 -0400
>> To: 'Discussion about mythtv' <>
>> Subject: RE: [mythtv-users] Frontends can't find database, can't connect
>> Mike,
>> Follow this
>> yggdrasil ~ # mysql -uroot -p
>> mysql> show databases;
>> mysql> use mysql;
>> mysql> select * from user where User = 'mythtv';
>> you should see atleast 2 records
>> | %         | mythtv
>> | localhost | mythtv
>> If you do not see the % one create a the user
>> GRANT USAGE ON *.* TO 'mythtv'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'mythtv';
>> % is the one that would allow the user to connect from a remote location
>> You say root can connect remotely so I do not thing the bind address needs
>> to be changed.
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:mythtv-users-
>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Michael Jones
>>> Sent: Friday, July 01, 2005 8:20 PM
>>> To: Discussion about mythtv
>>> Subject: Re: [mythtv-users] Frontends can't find database, can't connect
>>> Ok.. this is getting a little frustrating.. Sorry if this is a little
>>> disjointed.. but my brain is bouncing around in my head trying to wrap
>>> itself around this properly ;)
>>> Note:
>>>> From the machine running the masterbackend I can only access the
> database
>>> as
>>> root.. not mythtv as I am assuming I should be.
>>> Everything *SEEMS* to work as root.. but maybe not really.
>>> I can't log into mysql from the command line at all as 'mythtv'
>>> Transcript: ...
>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] database]# mysql -u root -p mythconverg
>>> Enter password:
>>> Reading table information for completion of table and column names
>>> You can turn off this feature to get a quicker startup with -A
>>> Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
>>> Your MySQL connection id is 84 to server version: 3.23.58
>>> Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the buffer.
>>> mysql> select * from user where User = 'mythtv';
>>> ERROR 1146: Table 'mythconverg.user' doesn't exist
>>> mysql>
>>> Kinda weird.  Mysql says I don't have a table called 'user' (tried
> 'users'
>>> too)????
>>> ------------------------------------------------------------
>>> /etc/my.cnf file
>>> ------------------------------------------------------------
>>> [mysqld]
>>> datadir=/var/lib/mysql
>>> socket=/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock
>>> set-variable = key_buffer = 16M
>>> set-variable = table_cache = 128
>>> set-variable = sort_buffer = 2M
>>> set-variable = myisam_sort_buffer_size = 8M
>>> #bind-address =
>>> [mysql.server]
>>> user=mysql
>>> basedir=/var/lib
>>> [safe_mysqld]
>>> err-log=/var/log/mysqld.log
>>> pid-file=/var/run/mysqld/
>>> ------------------------------------------------------------
>>> if uncomment the bind-address entry into the mysqld area, mysqld won't
>>> start
>>> up.  Is this a mysql4 command.. I'm still on 3 it appears.  I've tried
>>> different variations with no changes
>>> The only attempt that allowed me to start mysqld was to put the
>>> bind-address=x.x.x.x in the [mysql.server] section, but it didn't change
>>> the
>>> final outcome at all.
>>> the error that I get from the mythtv-setup and mythfrontend entries are:
>>> QMYSQL3: Unable to connect
>>> Database Error Was:
>>> Access denied for user: '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' (Using
>>> password:
>>> YES)
>>> I get the same result from other machines (a Windows machine running
>>> WinMythtv and a MacOSX 10.4 (tiger) machine running MacMythtv frontend.
>>> I've also tried setting it to connect as root (just for giggles) with the
>>> same result.
>>> I've also tried the security setup described in
>>> with no joy (Tried
>>> all
>>> 3 levels.. none, domain level security and ip address security).
>>> It almost seems as though the mythconverg database is all fubar'd.. but
> it
>>> might be something simple..
>>> Help?
>>> - Michael
>>>> From: Korey Fort <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>>> Reply-To: Discussion about mythtv <>
>>>> Date: Fri, 1 Jul 2005 03:09:15 -0500
>>>> To: 'Discussion about mythtv' <>
>>>> Subject: RE: [mythtv-users] Frontends can't find database, can't connect
>>>> You can try mysqlaccess mythtv to see what access mythtv has or
>>>>  Log into mysql then use mysql; select * from user where User =
>>> 'mythtv';
>>>> This will show you where mythtv is allowed to connect from.
>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Michael Jones
>>>> Sent: Friday, July 01, 2005 2:30 AM
>>>> To: Discussion about mythtv
>>>> Subject: [mythtv-users] Frontends can't find database, can't connect
>>>> When I try to configure a remote frontend (I've tried another FC3 box, a
>>> Mac
>>>> OSX box.. haven't tried the Windows front end yet) it tells me that it
>>> can't
>>>> find the database.
>>>> The messages that come up on screen say that the current user isn't
>>> allowed
>>>> to connect to the remote machine..
>>>> I'm not sure where to start looking for a solution to this.
>>>> Is there some portion of mysql that may not be running (i.e. the
>>> server?)
>>>> when mysqld is started?
>>>> Any ideas.
>>>> Thanks Much.
>>>> - Michael
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