yesterday I posted a query on how to fix a dropped musicmetadata table.

I had accidentally deleted the musicmetadata (drop table musicmetadata;) instead of deleting the entries (delete from musicmetadata;) I then found that the table was not being recreated, as expected.

After looking through the checkdb.cpp source of mythmusic today, I found that upon starting, mythmusic looks for the schema number in the 'settings' table in the MusicDBSchemaVer value. As this still existed in the above scenario, the table was not re-created.

Stopping the backend, then deleting this value, and restarting things cleaned everything up and caused my music to be reinserted into the database.

So for future reference, to cause a complete clean re-read of your music if you accidentally dropped the musicmetadata table:

#stop the mythbackend first
#then on the mythconverg database run the following:

DELETE FROM settings WHERE value='MusicDBSchemaVer';
INSERT INTO settings (value, data, hostname) VALUES ('MusicDBSchemaVer', '', NULL);

#and to force clean it, run this next:
DROP TABLE musicmetadata;

Restart backend, and run mythmusic.

I hope this helps someone out there...


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