I have never defined or set any User Jobs.  However, it seems like
everytime my slave backend records a show, "User Job #3" gets assigned
to some other recording, even if it wasn't recorded on the slave

How do I tell MythTV not to run this phantom 'User Job #3' (in
mythfrontend or in the mythconverg database)?


2005-10-25 19:58:57.976 Started recording "Close to Home" on channel:
1009 on cardid: 1, sourceid 1
2005-10-25 19:58:58.124 Started recording "The Biggest Loser" on
channel: 1016 on cardid: 2, sourceid 1
2005-10-25 20:58:57.745 Started recording "Supernatural" on channel:
1013 on cardid: 3, sourceid 1
2005-10-25 21:00:14.954 Started recording "The Amazing Race: Family
Edition" on channel: 1009 on cardid: 1, sourceid 1

cardid 1 and 2 are on my master backend.
cardid 3 is the only tuner on my slave backend.

But somehow, "The Amazing Race: Family Edition" is Queued for User Job
#3, and it never completes.  All other shows recorded both before and
after are transcoded and commercial flagged properly.  In fact, even
"The Amazing Race: Family Edition" is commercial flagged.  It's just
that the Job Queue shows it being Queued for User Job #3 (and no other
jobs are currently running or queued).

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