
Remembering that I am a relative linux noob, I was kinda looking for
some help.  I did an upgrade from 0.17 to 0.18 last night using
synaptic and found that myth itself was running fine afterwards.  For
the upgrade to complete, a whole 39 packages were
upgraded/downloaded/removed or installed.

I started my backend box up tonight (I shut it down as I went to bed
lat night :\) and although everything seemed to boot up fine and I get
the normal FC2 login screen, when I do a login, I get an Xterm session
that looks identical to when I use VNC.  Just a terminal window and a
crappy menu thin when I click the desktop.  I can start other apps
like gVIM and Mozilla, but it looks crap.

When I log out, I go back to the FC2 login screen and I can select the
session I want, but the only options I get are 'Default System
Session' which is Xterm or 'Failsafe Terminal'.  I have checked
boot.log and Xorg.log but there is nothing obvious.  Anybody have a
clue whatelse I need to do to reenable metacity/Gnome???

The only error I got when I did the upgrade was as follows, but I just
ignored it...

While installing package mythtv-suite-0.18-52.at:

/sbin/ldconfig: relative path `0' used to build cache
error: %postun(rhythmbox-0.8.3-3.i386) scriptlet failed, exit status 1
warning: /etc/lisarc saved as /etc/lisarc.rpmsave

Thanks for any help,
Whytey - crying like a baby at his broken box :(
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