Hey, guys. I'm having an issue getting lirc working on my box. I'm running Ubuntu Breezy Badger with kernel 2.6.12-10-k7. I followed the directions given here in order to get lirc up and running:


However, attempting "modprobe lirc_sir" gets me this:

FATAL: Error inserting lirc_sir (/lib/modules/2.6.12-10-k7/misc/lirc_sir.ko): Unknown symbol in module, or unknown parameter (see dmesg)

[4545990.816000] lirc_sir: Unknown symbol lirc_unregister_plugin
[4545990.816000] lirc_sir: Unknown symbol lirc_register_plugin

It appears this guy has seen this problem before and had some sort of patch to it; does anyone know about this?


The general consensus I've seen from my google fu seems to be that lirc started having this issue around the time the 2.6.11 or 2.6.12 kernels rolled out.

I'm so close to a fully functional death star^W^W MythTV machine! All I need is to get lirc working, plus sound on the TV portion.

Thanks for everyone's insight and help so far!
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