
I have 3 issues with my MythTV box right now and I think they all started around daylight savings time, but that's most likely a coincidence.

Here are the issues:

1. I upgraded the MythTV 0.18 and somehow my language changed, I'm not sure what the language is, but it's not English. Anyone know how to get it back to English?
2. The problem I was trying to fix when I upgraded to 0.18 was that my listings seem to be off about at least an hour, I'm guessing it might be just an hour but I'm not really sure, still trying to track that down. My time on my box is correct and I have the correct timezone settings, not sure why it's off. Anyone run across this?

3. The buttons on my MythTV box seem to have issues. The Next button in particular if I am on it and press space or enter it presses the button in but doesn't go to the next screen it just sits there. If I am on another box that isn't a button and press enter then it will go on to the next screen. The only issue with this is the exit screen that asks if you want to exit mythfrontend both of those buttons don't either take you back to mythfrontend or escape out of that window if you chose no they just sit there. The escape button does work on that screen though.

There's my issues, now here's my set up. I'm running Fedora Core 3 and keeping it up to date. The frontend and the backend are run on the same machine. It's a yum install of myth from atrpms which is what I used on 0.17 which was working fine until the listings got about an hour off or so. If anyone has some work arounds or knows how to fix any of these problems I would be very grateful to have that info.

Thank You,

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