
I've recently upgraded to MythTV 0.17, and the stability of my system has suffered as a result of it. With 0.16, it was running for months without problems. But now mythbackend seems to die at various points.

I'm not sure if it has any relevance, but the last two times it occurred at the minute 25 mark of a 30 minute recording. I've just recently enabled logging on mythbackend, so unfortunately I don't have any good data at this point. The past couple of days I would come home from work, check the recordings, and mythfrontend would report that it lost the connection to mythbackend. Mythbackend was no longer running, and nothing of interest in dmesg.

I used the "-Os -march=pentium4" compile flags, but I also used those flags with 0.16, so I'm not sure why that'd make a difference. This is on a Gentoo system with 2.6.5 kernel, mythtv compiled from source tarball.

Now that I think about it, this may also be related. The problem has occurred only starting once I upgraded to 0.17. All my recordings would go to another machine via NFS. Occasionally mythbackend would seem to hang and the console would be spewing out "Stale NFS handle" errors. I wasn't sure if this was a problem with NFS, my networking, or the MythTV software. Just as a troubleshooting measure, I tried switching to SMB a few days ago. I don't get any SMB errors, but I'm having the trouble with mythbackend crashing somewhat randomly.

Has anybody else run into the same sort of stability problems with mythbackend in 0.17?

Thanks. -- -WD _______________________________________________ mythtv-users mailing list mythtv-users@mythtv.org http://mythtv.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/mythtv-users

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