Greetings all! I'm trying to get a suitable setup for my Core 3 system. I tried most of the modelines I found out there trying to get something working, to no end. Hopefully someone can explain what is going on and point me in the right direction.

First the setup. The system is Core 3(Core 4 is just to unstable for my liking) on a 3.06GHz P4. The Video card is a Rosewill 5200FX. The TV is a Sony KF-42WE610.

Like I said earlier, running Xorg, I could not find a suitable xonfig that would produce a picture, so I went the Powerstrip route.

I've been tinkering with Powerstrip for several hours now and regardless of which resolution I pick, the same thing happens, the edges of the screen get clipped off and no amount of adjusting with powerstrip will cure it. In fact, if I move the image too far up or down, the monitor completely loses it's ability to display an image. I can't move the image left or right at all.

So I guess the questionis, Is the normal? Has anyone gotten this combination of monitor and card to work? I can't imagine I'm the first.


"Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little
temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety" -- Benjamin
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