I am trying to get MythTV running with a PVR350 card and FC3, using Jarod's guide. I am using TV-Out. I have everything running (and it's great!) except that I haven't set up to run X on the PVR350 TV-Out. I saved the original xorg.conf file and copied Jarod's xorg.conf file for the PVR350 as xorg.conf. After revising it to reflect my card's PCI bus ID and frame buffer device name, I pressed ctrl-alt-backspace to restart X.

I got a black screen with no login. Ctrl-alt-F2, etc., did not work and I was forced to power down. I restarted in single user mode, copied the original xorg file back to xorg.conf, and rebooted. Still a black screen! I thought I would be back to where I was before I tried to run X on the PVR350 TV-Out. How can I get out of this?

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