I am not sure if this is package related or not, but I can not figure out exactly how to fix this problem.  After upgrading to the debian packages for 0.18.  I was no longer able to import a DVD.
After doing some trouble shooting I was able to determine that problem was related to the mythtranscode daemon (mtd).

if I run mtd -n I get the following output:
mtd -n
main.o: mtd was built without transcode support. It won't do anything.

I have been working the issue as if it was a problem on my end, but I stumbled across the following in the MythTV Documents that may shed some light on the subject.

"In the example below, we have enabled support for transcoding and for VCD playing. You may remove these options if you don't need them.

$ cd ~/mythplugins-0.18
$ ./configure --disable-all --enable-mythdvd --enable-transcode --enable-vcd
$ qmake mythplugins.pro
$ make
$ su
# make install"
I have no idea if this is related or not, but I have gone as far as to remove and reinstall all of myth and mythplugins and I still have the problem. 

I am unsure as the fix, but if anyone has any ideas

Robert Wilson

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