I am having many issues upgrading from FC1 to FC3 and thought it might
be best to just do a fresh install.  I am currently (use to be)
running MythTv .16 on FC1 and have a backup of the database,
configuration, and video files.

Current State of Machine:
I have gotten the system upgraded to FC3 using the discs and finally
got X to display.  Now there are many dependency problems in loading
kickstart.  My next thought was to just get Myth upgraded so the
database would be .18 compliant and then do a fresh install of FC3.  I
just don't have enough linux experience to work through the dependency
issues with either of these approaches.

If I do a fresh install of FC3 and Myth (.18), is there a way to
restore my .16 database?  Or do you have a better suggestion on how to
get me to FC3/.18?

Thank you for your help in advance.

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