Anyone? Is there know way to set additional buffering?

On Mon, 28 Mar 2005 14:37:28 -0800, Griffon -- <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> George had asked about this a while back but I couldn't find a
> response. Since I'm seeing similar issues I thought I would repose the
> original question. Basically is there a way to set a larger buffer for
> video playback to iron out the hiccups (most noticeable with dvd rips
> streaming off the NFS backend)
> My backend is a P4 1.7 and my front end is IBM T40 laptop 1.5M so it
> seems to be network rather then horse power issue.
> I'm using the recomdned mount config line in the docs
> Any thoughts? Seems like full speed G should be enough for at least
> single streams.
> Thansk!
> --
> -Griffon
> Hi,
> Ive been playing with a wifi (802.1G) laptop running mythfrontend. It
> /amost/ works, but occasionly you get a little stutter.
> I assume this is because the wifi is dropping out a little.
> Because it works most of the time, I have concluded that the bandwidth
> of the wifi is at least enough to stream myth shows (from DVB).
> Can you set Myth to read ahead a little and buffer it, to compensate
> for small temporary dropouts in the connection? all it would have to
> do would be to read at (say) 110% speed, and dip into the buffer when
> needed.
> As an aside, can mplayer be made to do this?
> thanks
> g

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