On 9/13/05, Dan Littlejohn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have been looking and trying a number of things, but have not been
> able to figure this one out after I upgraded my box.
> /usr/lib/mythtv/plugins/libmythgallery.so: undefined symbol:
> _ZN9QGLWidget16setMouseTrackingEb
> Unable to initialize plugin 'mythgallery'.
> /usr/lib/mythtv/plugins/libmythmusic.so: undefined symbol:
> _ZNK9QGLWidget9classNameEv
> Unable to initialize plugin 'mythmusic'.
> Mythmusic and Mythgallery look like they are failing because of a
> problem with opengl.  On Gentoo 2005.0 and 2.6.12.  Re-installed
> nvidia-kernel (have an FX5200), nvidia-glx, xorg-conf, and re-compiled
> myth and the plugins.  Xorg.conf file has video card set to nvidia and
> it is working.  glxgears works.  Don't see anything obvious in
> Xorg.0.log.  Anyone have an idea of what to try or look for?
> Dan

Still looking for some help.  Found this,

[22:16] <ihaque> i've an issue with mythmusic and mythgallery where
they die with undefined symbol errors when mythfrontend loads;
_ZNK9QGLWidget16setMouseTrackingEb and _ZNK9QGLWidget9classNameEv
[22:16] <ihaque> any ideas?
[22:17] <ihaque> mythfrontend continues loading fine, but trying to
select the music options in media gallery or setup doesn't do
[22:18] <mchou> ihaque: mismatched libraries. recompile myth :)
[23:05] <Geckofiend> mchou heh you mean "ihaque: mismatched libraries
those plugins"

I have recompiled myth, all the plugins, gcc, x11, nvidia, opengl, new
kernel, and no change.  What do I need to fix?

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