On Thu, May 26, 2005 at 07:51:52AM -0500, Mercury Morris wrote:
> Thanks all, for your replies.
> The RPM route is still an option of course.  My first MythTV system,
> now dismantled, was successfully built using Jarod's guide and
> Axel's RPMs.
> At the moment, I would like to be able to use CVS,
> compile-from-source methods, and make this new AMD64 system work.
> But, I remain open to switching to the pre-built approach, and
> taking advantage of all the hard work done by Jarod, Axel, et al.

You can also mix, start off an rpm based setup (BTW x86_64 is
supported at ATrpms), and rebuild from source anything you believe
needs improvement.

And you can resubmit any fixes/improvements you have done to be
included in the packages and earn some open source karma ;)
Axel.Thimm at ATrpms.net

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