Hello Adrian,
nexTView EPG is transmitted via teletext on several European TV channels
in Austria, Switzerland, Belgium, France, Italy, Turkey and Germany.
Look for all providers here: http://nxtvepg.sourceforge.net/provnets.html
As you know Teletext pages are not only counted from 100 to 999 but to
9ff. There's hidden binary data on that pages.
There's a program called nxtvepg that can fetch the data and stores it
in its database. nxtvepg can export this to xmltv.

This program works with any analog or dvbcard that supports teletext.
For dvb it is necessary that the channel has a teletext stream with its
PID. I've tested this with the two German providers via DVB-T and it
works. Just watch a channel on the right transponder and start nxtvepg
and give it the information about the teletext PID. This is the DVB
case. If you have analog channels configured in xawtv nxtvepg can tune
that channels tself.
nxtvepg has no data about frequencies and will not fill the channel
table. But when you think nxtvepg has nice EPG data for most of the tv
channels you can receive than you might want to enter their CNI-numbers
in mythtv-setup and place a channel_ids file in the grabber directory.

But maybe these nxtvepg-channels can have their own grabberdirectory without misusing tv_grab_de_tvtoday. Maybe we can add the channel number there and a time schedule to tune that channel without watching or recording it. And a command field to run: nxtvepgd -acqonce full -dvbpid 359 (or the right command for analog tv) nxtvepg -provider 0d92 -dump xml -outfile ~/epgdata.xml Then we could easily update our EPG data.

When I chose a videosource in mythtv-setup it will be configured at the
command line but for me with dvb it's totally useless. So I enter that I
want to ad "none" of these channels. Now I link my DVB card to this
videosource tvtoday.de. This means that mythfilldatabase would use the
grabber with that channel ids in /usr/share/xmltv/tv_grab_de_tvtoday.
Now I want to fill the database with the nxtvepg data but it uses other
ids. So I have faked/overwritten the tv_grab_de_tvtoday/channel_ids. Now
I can use
mythfilldatabase --update --file 1 -1 nxtvepgfile.xml
--update avoids that channels from the analog world are added to my
mythfilldatabase doesn't care where the file comes from
My videosource "1" is tv_grab_de_tvtoday and it looks for channel ids
where I have placed them.

Experienced linux users know what they do but maybe it would be hard to
explain newbies that they have to enter CNI-numbers for each channel in

This is how nxtvepg looks like when we don't start it as a daemon or
just export the xml file.
And this is a xml file:


Hi Christian

I don't quite understand what exactly you have done, and how it works, could you please explain a bit further? Does it also apply to analog cable tv at all?

Personally, I have managed to fill mythtv's channel table using scantv. I'm still figuring out how to import nxtvepg data, though. The problem is, that nxtvepg uses CNIs to identify the channel, while scantv provides no such information, what leads to an unmatching channel id <-> xmltvid pair.

The main goal is to have an automatic channel scan and to be able to automatically import nxtvepg data on a daily basis. It has to happen without any userinteraction whatsoever (small corrections via mythtv's channel edit menu excluded), because it is aimed at a target audience that doesn't know the first thing about linux.

Thanks in advance

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