Todd Houle said:

And I do run MythOnMac on my laptop - over wireless even. I have an 
old 802.11b router so I get a 1/2 second pause every 3 seconds of 
show. Kinda annoying, but to watch the game and keep up on the score 
while i wash dishes, it works just fine. Someday I'll get an 802.11g 
router and I hope that'll fix it. 

Hey Todd, just an aside that the pauses are most likely caused by your wireless network. Most likely, you're trying to send too much data over your poor 802.11b network. This was happening to me, even on 802.11g, because I had settings cranked so high that the captured image actually appeared better than the live feed.  ;-)  Anyway, just lower the bitrate setting for "LiveTV" setting or the appropriate recording settings until the problem goes away. You may sacrifice a bit of picture quality but get rid of that annoying pause.  :-)

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