Bob wrote:
> Have you considered a low power, always on master backend with no
> tuner - DVB cards in it, just a load of hard drives,
Aren't the hard drives the biggest power consumers?
mythtv-users mailing list
Andrew Wilson wrote:
I'm considering rearranging my setup as follows, and I need some advice.
8< 8< Snip questions I don't know the answer to.
- If this is not possible, How quick / how reliable is Wake-On-LAN?
it's reliable, the speed is the same as the unattended boot time of your PC
I'm considering rearranging my setup as follows, and I need some advice.
Currently I have a single box, with 2x DVB cards, which is on all of
the time. In order to reduce noise and power consumption, I want to
build another v. low power backend box to accomodate these cards and
hibernate when not