I currently use VLC (videolan.org). You can control the broadcast
according to your bandwidth constraints.


-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Brad Templeton
Sent: Friday, February 11, 2005 1:22 AM
To: Discussion about mythtv
Subject: Re: [mythtv-users] Different Recording Profiles for

On Thu, Feb 10, 2005 at 05:53:17PM -0500, Jason Donahue wrote:
> Ok, I admit this should go under the "MythTV to the Extreme" category,
> but if you've seen My Myth Setup then this wouldn't sound that
> I want to be able to stream live TV to my Office. I use Linux as my
> OS at work, and have installed MythTV on my machine. I also have a
> tunnel to my home, so the master backend is accessible by it's
> IP. I can launch Myth, and it connects, and everything works great
> except for one thing: My upstream at home is not fast enough to
> a video feed. I have cable Internet access that advertises 1Mbps
> upstream, although I am not currently getting that (I am working with
> them to get the upstream I am paying for). What I would like (if it's
> possible) is to define a VERY low quality Recording profile, and have
> that used for Live TV for the Office Frontend.

I have to say this doesn't sound very satisfying.   Of course part of
the gospel of HD Video Recorders is you don't watch live TV.  Once you
get it out of your head that you want to watch live TV, your real
to this is rsync.

Put another slave backend/frontend at the office.   Transcode the
programs down to a reasonably decent size -- you can get something
that's quite watchable in 2 megabits with mp4, perhaps even 1.5

Then start rsyncing the shows to your office frontend.   If you do it
in advance there is no waiting to watch.  If you want to do it shortly
after transcode, you might have to wait for a while before you start
watching.   But you would be getting decent quality.

I guess it would be possible to do live transcode and stream down to
800 kilobits with enough CPU (you have to stay under your megabit to
deal with temporary slowdowns, especially on cable modems) but do you
really need it now, now, now?

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