Jarod Wilson wrote:

On Tuesday 05 April 2005 14:14, Dan Littlejohn wrote:

Maybe a third list should get created - mythtv-newbie

The big problem with a -newbie list is this: who's going to answer the questions? Its kinda like the blind leading the blind. I think Isaac is on the money: people need to read before posting. I don't suggest reading all your Myth email before posting (because there's a lot), but everyone, please search the mailing list archive before posting! That should head off things like 100 different Qt-highlighted-button threads.

Another problem (IMHO) is that too many people are _too_ helpful :)

Newbies come along and ask questions - often spending more time typing an email than typing a few words into google.
[They're not malicious - they're usually unaware of how powerful searching is - or sometimes just plain lazy]

And then someone answers them - and they learn how to use this new search engine (which we call a mailing list) which, wonder of wonders, understands vague woolly questions, asks for clarification and eventually spits out the right answer.

So maybe when newbies post we should *all* refrain from helping and, to bend a saying, teach them to fish instead.

PS I'm guilty too - and I'm not suggesting facism, just some guidance so newbies can be more self supporting.
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