
I've been looking a bit trough the archives of the mailinglist, but supprisingly enough, I didn't find the anwer to my question. The company I work for uses Nagios 1.2 for monitoring everything and all, something me and my manager are very proud off (I really love this framework).

But I just have an big problem (and some small ones): on some services we have enabled sending a warning by SMS when this service fails. But unfortunatly my cellphone is pretty loud and on one night when things really went wrong, I was woken up 10 times during the night (to sleepy to realize to turn it off), while I really needed the sleep to face the problems the next day. So I disabled notifying during 11pm and 7am on my hostgroup. I also enlarged the time window of the notification intervals, because after our local DNS broke down on a bank holiday (when I was on holiday too) and received hundreds of SMSes.. But now I also don't get any warning anymore when something broke down during the night. And since I am not an early bird, I'd like to know when I really need to go to my work early when the S hits the fan (or to log in by VPN and fix the issue). So basically my question is: how do I delay a notification to a hostgroup until the notification time window for this group begins? (because I do like having 24x7 statistics for my services, I don't like to change the monitor window to the notification window).
Thanks in advance for your answers!


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