i just return to my office and checking this, I can make live test with EX2007 and 2010 ... let me work on that and i will return to you in a couple of days
jorge Arenas

-----Matthew Jurgens <> wrote: -----

To: Nagios Users List <>
From: Matthew Jurgens <>
Date: 06/30/2011 05:29AM
Subject: Re: [Nagios-users] Checking Status of Exchange 2010 Mailbox Store without check_nt

Version 1.45 of the check_wmi_plus plugin is available which (for Exchange 2010 and maybe earlier versions) can list out the DB instances using
-m checkexchange -s listDBInstances

and it can check specific instances using
-m checkexchange -s DBInstances -a 'Information Store/FirstDB'

This 2nd check fails if the database is dismounted - which is what was originally requested

All of this without having to install anything on any Windows server

On 23/06/2011 12:12 PM, Matthew Jurgens wrote:
I have a way to check it directly from the Nagios server without installing anything on any Windows server.
I've tested it only on my practice/development/IsNotLive Exchange server 2010.
I just need someone to test it on a real server before I release it

Its a check defined for use with .

Any takers?

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