Ok so I have about 20 or so hosts which are stuck on PENDING and I am unable
to get them to work properly. The definitions for a working and a stuck host
are identical and can be seen below. However, nothing I do or delete
(retendion.dat, cache files, spool files) gets the hosts unstuck... Any

Stuck host:
define host {
                host_name                         gab202kiosk.gab330
                address                               129.#.#.#
                max_check_attempts                    3
                notification_interval                 15
                notification_options                  d,u,r
                active_checks_enabled                 1
                passive_checks_enabled                0
                notifications_enabled                 1
                check_period                          24x7
                notification_period                   24x7
                contact_groups                        kiosks,admins
                parents                               129.#.#.#

define service {
                service_description                   check_ping
                check_command                     check_ping!20,80%!30,90%
                host_name                         gab202kiosk.gab330
                check_period                          24x7
                notification_period                   24x7
                contact_groups                        kiosks,admins
                event_handler_enabled                 0
                max_check_attempts                    3
                normal_check_interval                 5
                retry_check_interval                  1
                notification_interval                 15
                notification_options                  w,u,c,r
                active_checks_enabled                 1
                passive_checks_enabled                0
                notifications_enabled                 1
                check_freshness                       0
                freshness_threshold                   86400

Working host:
define host {
                host_name                         gab302kiosk.gab330
                address                               129.#.#.#
                max_check_attempts                    3
                notification_interval                 15
                notification_options                  d,u,r
                active_checks_enabled                 1
                passive_checks_enabled                0
                notifications_enabled                 1
                check_period                          24x7
                notification_period                   24x7
                contact_groups                        kiosks,admins
                parents                               129.#.#.#

define service {
                service_description                   check_ping
                check_command                     check_ping!20,80%!30,90%
                host_name                         gab302kiosk.gab330
                check_period                          24x7
                notification_period                   24x7
                contact_groups                        kiosks,admins
                event_handler_enabled                 0
                max_check_attempts                    3
                normal_check_interval                 5
                retry_check_interval                  1
                notification_interval                 15
                notification_options                  w,u,c,r
                active_checks_enabled                 1
                passive_checks_enabled                0
                notifications_enabled                 1
                check_freshness                       0
                freshness_threshold                   86400

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