Hello everyone.

I am facing problems for a few days with my Nagios server (2.0b4).
I often have more than one nagios "root" process (launched by the root 
process), and sometimes have a "defunct" nagios process.  

It is really anoying, as it can leads to Nagios not working any more, or, at 
best, only doing half of the checks it should perform,... 
Often, it also stops recording the results of the checks, or "forget" latest 
informations after a restart, rolling back to the status data of hours ago.

I don't remember doing any big change lately, so I can't find why I am facing 
all those problems right now... 

Does any of you know what can cause those defunct processes, or the multiple 
nagios "root" processes?  Or best do you know how I could avoid it :)

Thanks a lot for your help,


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