On Wed, 15 Nov 2006, Jörgen Hägg wrote:

Something strange happens sometimes to a service.

I got a warning that was checked  09:41:36. Next scheduled active
check was due for 09:42:36.

But there was no further check done, it is now more than four hours
since the last check. I can confirm it because I'm running
nagios-grapher and it has no data after 09:41.

The warning disappeared after I manually re-scheduled next check of the

I've seen the same problem on 2.0b4 (yes, I know I need to upgrade, but try to convince upper management that it's a good idea and they'll read you the riot act.) Passive checks continued to be handled properly and the status.dat file was being updated on a regular basis so the check_nagios plugin was useless to determine any error. But all active checks stopped dead. This has happened more than once. I don't think I was able to un-wedge it by forcing a new check tho. I'll try that next time it happens.

Here is the detailed service page:
(This info was reloaded around 14:24)

Current Status: WARNING
Status Information:     WARNING - load average: 7.66, 2.76, 1.29
Performance Data:       load1=7.660;5.000;10.000;0; load5=2.760;4.000;8.000;0; 
Current Attempt:        1/3
State Type:     SOFT
Last Check Type:        ACTIVE
Last Check Time:        2006-11-15 09:41:36
Status Data Age:        0d 4h 40m 45s
Next Scheduled Active Check:    2006-11-15 09:42:36
Latency:        0.356 seconds
Check Duration: 1.023 seconds
Last State Change:      2006-11-15 09:41:36
Current State Duration: 0d 4h 40m 45s
Last Service Notification:      N/A
Current Notification Number:    0
Is This Service Flapping?       NO
Percent State Change:   0.00%
In Scheduled Downtime?  NO
Last Update:    2006-11-15 14:22:15
Active Checks:  ENABLED
Passive Checks: ENABLED
Obsessing:      ENABLED
Notifications:  ENABLED
Event Handler:  ENABLED
Flap Detection: ENABLED

This is nagios 2.5-1 in Debian.

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