Please forgive the non-operational content.

I'm interested in getting some idea of the level of staffing provided by 
NSPs and ISPs in their peering departments. In fact, I've been asked by 
my management to provide as much info about such levels as possible, 
without a need to disclose the identity of any responding company.

If you have time, and wish to participate, I'd sure appreciate it. I 
will provide a summary of the responses to respondents. No identifying 
information need be provided. Get a disposable email account at Hotmail 
or Yahoo if you'd like to be really anonymous. Any question may be 
skipped if you wish. I appreciate your assistance!


1. Do your peering staff members do peering negotiations and planning 
only, or do they also do peering-related hands-on router engineering?
     ___ planning and negotiation only
     ___ planning, negotiation, and hands-on router stuff
     ___ something other than these two choices:

2. What is the size of your peering staff?
     ___ full-time staff members
     ___ part-time staff members

3. Do you feel this staffing level is appropriate?
     ___ too high
     ___ just right
     ___ too low

4. What is the ballpark aggregate exchange volume in megabits/second at 
peak, for your AS, or for all of the ASses for which you are responsible?
     ___ mb/s @ peak

5. What is the primary location of the majority of your peering 
department's staff members?
     ___ USA
     ___ North America other than USA
     ___ Europe
     ___ Central or Western Asia
     ___ Eastern or Southeastern Asia
     ___ Australia/NZ
     ___ South America
     ___ Africa

6. Approximately how many private or public peers does your network 
exchange traffic with?
     ___ private peers
     ___ public peers

7. What percentage volume of your network's total exchange volume is 
exchange via peering (as opposed to being exchanged via transit)?
     ___% is exchanged via peering

Again, thank you very much for your participation.

--Dwight Ernest

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