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Subject: [SANOG] SANOG V - 6 Feb - 13 Feb, 2005, Dhaka, Bangladesh - Call for Presentations
Date: Wed, 17 Nov 2004 12:36:33 +0800
From: Ananth Nagarajan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

SANOG V- (South Asia Network Operators Group) - 6 Feb - 13 Feb, 2005,
Dhaka, Bangladesh

The South Asia Network Operators Group (SANOG) was set up in January
2003 to promote awareness of networking technologies and to establish a
forum for discussion on operational issues and challenges in the South
Asia region comprising of Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India,
Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka.  More information on SANOG can
be found at

SANOG 1 was held in Kathmandu, Nepal, SANOG 2 in Colombo, Sri Lanka,
SANOG 3 in Bangalore, India and SANOG 4 back in Kathmandu, Nepal.  All
four previous meetings were greatly successful. The last meeting (SANOG
4) held in Kathmandu in July 2004 had over 250 participants and very
relevant topics being discussed.  Clearly, the interest in networking
technologies has rapidly grown in the region.

SANOG 5 will comprise of workshops (Feb 6-10), tutorials (Feb 11-12) and
a one-day conference (Feb 13).  The following is an open call for
papers/presentations for the one-day conference.  Presentations are
expected to be 20-30 minutes long with technical content.  Marketing and
sales content in presentations is against the spirit of the SANOG and is
strictly prohibited.  Please respond to this call for
papers/presentations to [EMAIL PROTECTED], with a title and brief
abstract of the talk and a short bio of yourself.

The conference will be comprised of 3 sessions (morning, post-lunch,

Session 1: Network operations

In this session we invite papers, reports and presentations from network
operators, equipment vendors and academic institutions conducting
network research on operational issues.  Possible topics for this track

- Prevention and mitigation of Denial of Service attacks including
intrusion, spam etc.

- Routing policies and architecture for scalable IP and broadband

- Technology updates and trends in security and routing

- Traffic management

- Network migration issues (IPv4 to v6, Layer 2 to IP etc.)

Session 2: Applications and Services
This track will discuss various services that can be enabled on packet
networks.  Papers and presentations are invited from developers,
operators, equipment vendors and research organizations on the following
and related topics

- Voice and Multimedia over IP

- Applications using IP Multicast

- Managed network services including Security and VPNs

- Mail servers

Session 3: Regional updates This track is by invitation only, and will include updates from ISPs, regional Internet exchanges, APNIC, routing table updates and such information that would be useful to the SANOG community.

Thanks and regards, Ananth Nagarajan [EMAIL PROTECTED] -- This is the SANOG ( mailing list.

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