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Please don't shoot the messenger for any arguable/discussions.


Haesu C.
TowardEX Technologies, Inc.
Consulting, colocation, web hosting, network design and implementation | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Cell: (978)394-2867     | Office: (978)263-3399 Ext. 170
Fax: (978)263-0033      | POC: HAESU-ARIN

----- Forwarded message from John Fraizer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -----

Date: Wed, 8 Oct 2003 21:58:26 -0400 (EDT)
From: John Fraizer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Extensions to RFC1998 - WAS: Re: DoS Attacks
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On Wed, 8 Oct 2003, Haesu wrote:

> Hmmmm? What did I miss? When did RFC1998 get updated to include Null
> community? Feel free to let me know if they updated RFC on that
> lately.. b/c I havent checked it in a while.
> As far as I know, my upstreams are fully RFC1998 compliant and I use them well.
> -hc

Note: please echo this to the list.  I don't have post
access.  Ahem... Sue...Ahem...

The RFC itself hasn't been updated to include a Null community but if you
think about it, providing a NULL community is fully within the concept of
allowing customers to influence routing policy with the use of community

For example:

router bgp 65534
 neighbor a.a.a.a remote-as 65530
 neighbor a.a.a.a description Customer AS65530
 neighbor a.a.a.a prefix-list AS-65530 in
 neighbor a.a.a.a route-map CUSTOMERS in
ip prefix-list AS-65530 seq 5 permit x.x.x.x/y le 32
ip community-list standard POISON permit 65534:666
route-map CUSTOMERS permit 10
 match community POISON
 set local-preference 500
 set ip next-hop [ip address of your sink-hole]

Of course, the rest of the route-map CUSTOMERS is going to need to do some
sanity checks on the announcements you accept from the customers OTHER
than blackhole requests.  In our case, we pass them through a prefix-list
match that includes:

ip prefix-list CUSTOMERS seq 10 deny ge 25

As you can see, we're doing a prefix-list check against the announcements
that the customer sends us in the neighbor statement.  Each customer gets
their own prefix-list that covers the networks that we have LOA to accept
from that customer. (Keeps boneheads from blackholing OTHER people!)

The first stanza in the CUSTOMERS route-map checks for the POISON
community.  Any prefix that the customer sends us that includes this
community will be routed to our sink-hole.

The rest of the stanzas in the CUSTOMERS route-map look for other
communities from the customer.  One stanza looks to see if the customer is
requesting us to pass their announcements of our address space on as
de-aggregated announcements.  If we don't see that community, they're
aggregated.  Other stanzas in the route-map are pretty cut and dry

Our customers can do the following:

Community       Action
13944:0         Don't announce to any peer
13944:1         Don't announce to PEERS
13944:2         Don't announce to TRANSIT
13944:3         Don't announce to CUSTOMERS

13944:20        Announce specific from EnterZone aggregate
                for customers who are running on our IPs.

13944:90        Set preference to 90
13944:100       Set preference to 100
13944:110       Set preference to 110
13944:120       Set preference to 120

13944:666       Poison a Route

13944:NNN0      don't announce to Peer NNN
13944:NNN1      prepend once towards Peer NNN
13944:NNN2      prepend twice towards Peer NNN
13944:NNN3      prepend thrice towards Peer NNN

Any time I do any consulting on another network, I recommend that they at
MINIMUM implement the Poisoned Route ability.  It is not terribly
difficult to do as you can see above.

John Fraizer
EnterZone, Inc
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