Geez, all I wanted was a little help, and I get pounced on by a
platoon of eager Sprint BGP gurus.

  The desired filter change, it is done, and Sprint, who has always been
my first choice as a provider, just lengthened their lead a little more.


neal rauhauser wrote:
>    I could really use an assist from someone at Sprint - I'm a
> consultant for an AS that receives service from two ISPs who peer with
> Sprint. One of them is a healthy regional who listens to me about BGP,
> the other, well, I wish them the best of luck, but we really, really,
> really want to put a stop to inconsistent AS path problems. We have a
> /24 from Sprint space that came from the large healthy ISP and the
> little one has presented it as being sourced from their AS - this is
> fixed now, but we want permanent relief from the problem. The small ISP
> lacks internal BGP cluons, they refuse to use mine, and the AS owner has
> had more than enough.
>   We've asked the little ISP to have their filter modified so they can't
> present our prefix but they're still trying to 'retain the account'.
> I've filled out a request on the Sprint web interface for BGP filters
> for their private line, carefully explaining the situation, and instead
> of getting contact from Sprint to sort it all out, they apparently just
> notified the little ISP that we made the request, which has triggered a
> further, unwanted round of 'customer service'.
>   This is *not* a big deal, but there isn't an appropriate checkbox on
> the otherwise spiffy Sprint BGP request form that covers this situation,
> so I'm pleading for help here.
> --
> phone:402-301-9555
> "After all that I've been through, you're the only one who matters,
> you never left me in the dark here on my own" - Widespread Panic

"After all that I've been through, you're the only one who matters,
you never left me in the dark here on my own" - Widespread Panic

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