I called VeriSign the registrar and got a supervisor, Forsyth. I spoke to him briefly about this filthy practice.

He said that VeriSign GRS deals *only* with registrars; customer support at NetSOL (great abbreviation) can't even get in contact with them. It doesn't seem like they have much communications or unification between the GRS (which handles the TLDs), the registrar (which does actual registrations), and their security arm.

He relayed me to the corporate office, and gave me this contact information:

487 East Middlefield Road
Mountain View, CA 94043

1 (650)-961-7500

Good luck! :)


Alex Lambert wrote:


Give 'em hell.


Niels Bakker wrote:

A wildcard A record in the net TLD.

$ host does.really-not-exist.net
does.really-not-exist.net has address

$ host domain name pointer sitefinder-idn.verisign.com

It even responds on port 25 (says 550 on every RCPT TO). Gah.

-- Niels.

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