
Welcome to 2007! I trust all had a wonderful end to 2006, and look forward to 2007 along with meeting again in Toronto for NANOG-39!!!

I will keep this note short, however I know you will be interested in these few reminders:>

Final drafts of presentation slides are due for review on January 19, and final versions for posting are due on January 26. The Program Committee will be completing the 2nd round presentation reviews early next week and a posted agenda is expected shortly thereafter.

The agenda is looking great as you can see from the list of Topics currently posted at
We look forward to posting and sharing the full agenda information via the NANOG web site once the PC has completed its work.

The full CFP with details can be found at:

Do not miss out on NANOG-39 and Toronto! It is the place to be in February. If you have not already completed your meeting registration, consider doing so soon! The registration fee increases on January 16, 2007, and the room block rate expires on January 19, 2007. For further information refer to
<>    and

Lastly, we encourage all sponsors (small, large, etc.) to consider a sponsorship opportunity in Toronto. There is still time to let us know of your interest as Break and Beer & Gear opportunities remain available. If interested, send email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and we will get right back to you with further information.

As always, feel free to send your comments, questions, concerns, and praise:> to


All best, and see you in Toronto!

Betty Burke
NANOG Project Manager and NANOG SC Member
Merit Network Inc.
(734) 647-3743
Scholarship information, reminders:

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