On Tuesday at the meeting I polled the audience for information about
whether or not SNMPv3 was easy to use and deploy from a security
perspective, and what user databases were in use by operators aside
from what SNMPv3 uses (talk details and slides:
http://www.nanog.org/mtg-0405/hardaker.html ).  Thanks to those of you
that took part in the hand-raising exercise!

At the end of my talk, I also posted a web site for an online survey
for people to fill out a short questionnaire as well, but after my
talk ended the network was taken down so I thought I'd post the web
site here once more in case people weren't able to fill it out that


Note that even if you don't use or don't like SNMP at all, please
consider filling it out anyway as it asks some other important
questions like what type of user account databases you use that would
be helpful to us even if you don't now or intend to ever use SNMP.

"In the bathtub of history the truth is harder to hold than the soap,
 and much more difficult to find."  -- Terry Pratchett

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