These presentations have been accepted for NANOG 39, to be held
on February 4-7, 2007 in Toronto.

See for registration and other information.

General Session:
  sFlow - Why you should use it and like it - Richard A Steenbergen,
    nLayer Communications

  4-Byte ASNs - The View from the Old BGP World - Geoff Huston, APNIC

  Deployment of 32 bit AS Numbers - Henk Uijterwaal, RIPE NCC

  Beyond 200 Gbps - Niels Bakker, AMS-IX

  Lightning talks - by you! (details to follow)

Research Forum:
  A Technical Approach to Net Neutrality - Xiaowei Yang, UC Irvine

  How to Update Wireshark (Ethereal) - Aamer Akhter, cisco Systems

  BGP Troubleshooting Techniques - Philip Smith, Cisco Systems

  IP Mulitcast/Multipoint for IPTV (and beyond) - Toerless Eckert,
    cisco systems

  Best Practices for Determining the Traffic Matrix in IP Networks -
    Thomas Telkamp, Cariden technologies, Inc.

  NetFlow to guard the infrastructure - a tutorial - yann berthier

  PGP Key Signing - Joe Abley or appropriate stand-in goon

  How to Host a NANOG Meeting - Joe Abley et al.

  Peering BOF XIV - Bill Norton,

  IPv6 Network Operators BOF - Stewart Bamford

  Pushing the FIB limits, perspectives on pressures confronting
    modern routers. - Joel Jaeggli

The meeting will follow the usual Sunday through Wednesday format:

  Sunday Feb. 4,
  - Afternoon: Newcomers reception and community meeting

  Monday Feb. 5
  - Morning: General session
  - Afternoon: Tutorials and BOFs
  - Evening: Beer & Gear reception

  Tuesday Feb. 6
  - Morning: General session
  - Afternoon: Tutorials and BOFs
  - Evening: Informal BOFs (meeting room signup on site)

  Wednesday, Feb. 7
  - Morning: General session

The meeting will end at lunchtime on Wednesday.

More topics will be announced, and a preliminary agenda published,
by January 12, 2007.

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