thanks for raising this issue.
i am aware of numerous similar problems. so are the spammers, click
fraud artists, and other parasites who have written tools to take over
customer and ISP bandwidth and ip addresses (to the maximum extent possible
without killing their host).
so let me sum
This is why we specify our DSL modems configured as transparent bridged
(routing optional) and when they go out the door they're already set up
as inaccessible from the outside, even if the customer enables routing
(I've seen one case in 5 years where the customer has done this without
Hi guys. A guy named Sid recently wrote on securiteam (where I write
as well) on an accidental discovery he made on the security of his home
broadband router with its default settings.
Apparently, he started by discovering he had port 23 open (which was
telnet for the router rather than for him -