NANOGers -

    If you are providing residential Internet service with IPv6 (or
    are a customer of same), please take a moment to complete
    Jordi’s survey - this will help provide insight into the actual
    technical practices being used in residential IPv6 deployment.

More details in attached email - Thanks!

Begin forwarded message:

From: John Curran <<>>
Subject: [arin-ppml] IPv6 Residential Deployment Survey
Date: May 22, 2016 at 6:24:17 AM GMT+2
To: ARIN PPML <<>>

Folks -

    Jordi Palet Martínez is conducting a brief survey regarding IPv6 deployment
    in residential Internet service.   Having insight into the various 
practices that
    are in use may help to inform IPv6 number resource policy development, and
    thus I ask that you take a moment to complete the survey if you are 
    such services (whether production or trial basis.)

    Jordi notes -

        "The results will be published and updated every month or so -
          No personal data will be published.

          (If you know your network, it takes less than 2 minutes to complete 
          The survey can be responded even if is not yet a commercial service,
          and customers can also respond, not just the ISP. However, to avoid
          duplicate data, make sure to include the country and ISP name.”

     The IPv6 Residential Deployment Survey may be found here -


John Curran
President and CEO

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