The quickest way of contacting the AOL Mail Team I'm aware of is through their Twitter account at @AOLMail ( Tell them @6 sent you. ;)



vox: +1 202 459 9800 x.1300 // secure: +1 410 874 0050
(phone calls need to be arranged in advance)
e: // e:

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PGP Fingerprint (64 bit): 324B EE81 A275 E619
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El 2015-02-24 13:03, Suresh Ramasubramanian escribió:
And how many users do you have, again?
On Feb 24, 2015 6:29 PM, "Colin Johnston" <> wrote:

block aol like china blocks with no engagement of comms as justification


Sent from my iPhone

> On 24 Feb 2015, at 12:36, Rich Kulawiec <> wrote:
>> On Tue, Feb 24, 2015 at 03:19:06AM +0100, Fred wrote:
>> Having exactly the same issue. Also never received any response from
>> AOL. Quite annoying.
> I've been waiting since January 26th for a response from,
> which is their stipulated contact point for DMARC issues.
> Of course I wouldn't *need* a response about that if they hadn't
> DMARC so foolishly.
> It seems that the days when Carl Hutzler ran the place -- and ran it
well --
> are now well behind them.  I didn't always agree with their decisions,
> but it was obvious that they were working hard and trying to make AOL a
> good network neighbor, so even when I disagreed I could at least
> their good intentions.   It seems now that AOL is determined to permit
> unlimited abuse directed at the entire rest of the Internet while
> simultaneously making life as difficult as possible for everyone who
> *doesn't* abuse...and is counting on their size to make them immune from
> the consequences of that decision.
> ---rsk

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