1. IS-IS for loopbacks and iBGP on the loopbacks for everything else.
2. It was much easier to use than OSPF and seems to scale better.
On Mon, Nov 12, 2018 at 1:46 PM im wrote:
> goodmorning nanog,
> I heard that OSPF is only famous in asia region...
> So that, please could you explain me
Awesome, I'm looking forward to hearing about all the locations a
nationwide test was and was not received in.
On Wed, Oct 3, 2018 at 2:23 PM Andy Ringsmuth wrote:
> Did anyone on AT&T or an iPhone receive the test today? I believe it was
> supposed to happen at 2:18 EDT, followed by one on bro
Also, please stop putting quotes in your email signature... it's 2018.
‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐
On June 13, 2018 2:01 AM, wrote:
> Then perhaps that thread was killed by the moderators. Please heed
> the list charter.
> Also, please get a mail client that generates proper In-R
3 matches
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