Dear Unnamed person at The SpaceMarket,

This list has an Acceptable Use Policy at:

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 1. Discussion will focus on Internet operational and technical issues
    as described in the charter of NANOG.
 2. Postings of issues inconsistent with the charter are prohibited.
 3. Cross posting is prohibited.
 4. Postings that include foul language, character assassination, and
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 5. Product marketing is prohibited.
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 8. Autoresponders sending mail either to the list or to the poster are

Individuals who violate these guidelines will be contacted and asked to
adhere to the guidelines. "

Please take your Unsolicited Bulk Mail elsewhere.



On 5/29/2012 8:43 PM, The SpaceMarket wrote:
> IPv4 is not going away as quickly as many would like.  Most realistic
> observations show IPv4 will still be the numbering scheme most widely
> deployed and utilized for the next decade.  This due mainly to peers
> and providers whom have not deployed IPv6 and ISP end-users, which
> continue to use, antiquated operating systems. 
> SpaceMarket provides a platform for entities to acquire additional
> resources that find themselves deficient, and a platform for those with
> excess/unused resources to monetize their valuable resources. 
> Our platform is safe, secure and confidential. 
> Buyers and sellers can rest assured that their trades will be executed
> without a hitch (no hijacked network ranges or scammers) as each
> network allocation available has been thoroughly investigated and
> tested (we’re either announcing or have announced the networks
> available for an extended period of time), and upon request by either
> the buyer or seller, SpaceMarket will serve as an escrow agent for the
> transaction. 
> Currently (as of this writing), there we have just over
> 150,000 addresses available for immediate use. This may seem like a low
> number, but allocations are listed and acquired daily using our
> automated system—we don’t have to be involved in your transaction. In
> order to provide our services without hassle and confidentially, we
> provide access to our trading platform via Tor (as a Tor Hidden
> Service).  This allows our members to connect freely and without worry
> as to who may be monitoring your online activities or visitors to our
> site.  Additionally, access to the site is restricted to active members
> of our trading community.  
> For more information on our service, site URL or membership please
> e-mail us at  We look forward to assisting you
> with your IPv4 needs! Please use our public key (below) when
> corresponding via E-mail.  Don’t forget to send us yours!
> Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (GNU/Linux)
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> OkSi
> =HUbF

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