Re: What say you, nanog re: Starlink vs 5G?

2022-06-25 Thread blakangel
Mike Hammett wrote on 6/24/2022 1:22 PM: It's DirecTV that became part of AT, but now they're separated again. Dish Network is building a nation-wide terrestrial mobile network. Supposed to be the new #4 provider. Looks like their plans just hit a snag - D.C. court confirms Dish cheated

Re: 10 years from now...

2021-03-28 Thread blakangel
This is a fascinating discussion. Also keep in mind that starlink satellites need many earth stations to downlink customer packets and provide internet transit. There are over 50 satellite earth stations in the US already. Here is a great google map of the current ground stations based on

Re: CloudFlare Issues?

2020-07-17 Thread blakangel
Chris Grundemann wrote on 7/17/2020 2:38 PM: Looks like there may be something big up (read: down) at CloudFlare, but their status page is not reporting anything yet. Am I crazy? Or just time to give up on the internet for this week? -- @ChrisGrundemann Status

Re: Anyone running C-Data OLTs?

2020-07-10 Thread blakangel
Well here are a couple hundred: -Keith Mel Beckman wrote on 7/10/2020 1:07 PM: Perhaps you’re confusing OLT with ONT? An OLT is a “curbside” distribution node, the ONT is the CPE. The vulnerability is in the

Re: ... you kicked out the patch cable (or, major global internet outages)

2020-06-15 Thread blakangel
Ben Cannon wrote on 6/15/2020 4:11 PM: kicked out a patch cable.  (Nods to BOFH) In all seriousness, looks major...  Long-haul cut? Did we lose a pie or COs? -Ben T-mobile implies routing issue:

Re: report domains found in malware distrabution

2019-08-25 Thread blakangel
james jones wrote on 8/24/2019 19:15: just quick question: is the abuse emails still best way to report domains that are being used in malware scripts? or is there a more central place to report such things? -James I always submit to google for phish emails that use hacked sites:

Re: Issue with point to point VPNs behind NAT and asymmetric traffic

2019-06-12 Thread blakangel
Could it be as simple as a stateful firewall? Anurag Bhatia wrote on 6/12/2019 14:44: Hello everyone, Trying to get my head around a certain unexpected behaviour. I am running two site to site VPNs (wireguard now, OpenVPN earlier) between my home and a remote server over two different WAN

Re: California fires: smart speakers and emergency alerts

2018-07-31 Thread blakangel
I haven't seen anyone mention the partnership between Nixle and Google yet: The alerts come in via the Google Now application on my android devices I've been receiving local emergency alerts for a couple years now, mainly for

Re: Cloudflare public DNS broken w/ AT CPE

2018-04-03 Thread blakangel

Re: cheap laptop with 32G or 64G recommendations

2014-11-11 Thread blakangel
I have an almost two-year old Lenovo W530 with 32G ram. I've been happy with it. I don't find myself taking advantage of the ram (w/ VMWare Workstation) as much as I thought I would. -Keith Darden, Patrick wrote: If there is a cheap