
The call for papers for the joint SANOG / APOPS and APNIC member's meeting is here. Submission on interesting topics relevant to operators are welcome.

Cfp and submission guidelines are available at.

Being the first combined meeting between SANOG and APNIC, larger audience is expected. Event will be held in first week of September in New Delhi, India.


  - gaurab


29 August - 7 September 2007, New Delhi

Call for Papers

Deadline for proposals : 15 July, 2007
Acceptance Notification: 30 July, 2007
Paper Confirmation : 15 August ,2007

The following is an open call for papers/presentations for the two-day conference and two days of tutorials. Presentations are expected to be 20-30 minutes long with technical content. Marketing and sales content in presentations is against the spirit of the SANOG / APOPS/ APNIC and is strictly prohibited. Please respond to this call for papers/presentations by submitting it online at


The conference will consist of 8 sessions, including the plenaries, over two days. The tracks are open for general ideas, and feel free to propose talks that you think are relevant to the operational and Internet research community. The topics given below are not exclusive.

- Prevention and mitigation of Denial of Service attacks including intrusion, spam etc.
- Routing policies and architecture for scalable IP and broadband networks
- Internet Exchange Points Operations
- Peering Techniques and Policies
- BGP Multihoming Techniques
- Technology updates and trends in security and routing
- MPLS and QoS implementation experiences
- Traffic management and measurement
- Network migration issues (IPv4 to v6, Layer 2 to IP etc.)
- Voice and Multimedia over IP
- Managed network services including Security and VPNs
- Mail servers, SPAM prevention,
- Wireless Technology and Applications

- Regional updates

This is an open invitation for for updates on issues relevant to network operators. This has generally included updates from Internet exchanges, APNIC, routing table updates and such information that would be useful to the community.

You are also welcome to submit proposals for BoFs.

on Behalf of the
Programme Committee

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