The Future of the Internet 2014: Defining Software Defined Networks call
for presenters is now open!

The Future of the Internet 2014 (TFI2014) will be held in Denver, Colorado
on Friday, 22 August, 2014.

At this year's event, the Colorado Chapter of the Internet Society (CO
ISOC) is bringing together experts and professionals from across the globe
to discuss SDN, NfV, open networking, and all things related to *network
programability*; the ability for networked applications to more directly
interact with network elements. Whether you call it *Software Defined
Networking*, Software Driven Networks, Open Source Networking, Cloud
Routing, Network Virtualization, or something else; the exciting part is
extrapolating this "SDN" trend into the future as we make these programs
and languages more fully featured and more standardized. Come extrapolate
with us!

The format for this event will be a bit different than your typical
networking conference. While we intend to have several standard lecture
spots, and a panel or two as well, the real focus is on conversation and
debate. The idea is to fill the room with a mix of experts and people who
want to learn more and get everyone thinking, and talking, about what this
all means. We're not hosting yet-another-conference, instead we are setting
up a breeding ground for new ideas. Because of that, we are issuing this
call for presenters, rather than papers or presentations. Note we however,
that all materials ultimately presented must be free of product pitches,
marketing jargon, and really anything other than solid technical content.

If you are interested in being a presenter at TFI2014, please send the
following information to ch...@coisoc.org by 30 May 2014:

Full name
Preferred email address
Short (<1 page) biography
Links to relevant online profiles or websites
A short (<1000 words) response to one (or more) of the following questions:
 - What is SDN?
 - Why are you excited about SDN?
 - How does the network of the future differ from today's?

We expect presenter spots to fill quickly and encourage you to respond as
soon as possible. All materials provided may be made public should you be
selected as a presenter for TFI2014.

Connect with TFI2014 on Facebook:
Register for TFI2014 now (early bird pricing ends 1 May):

I hope to see you all in Denver this August!

Founding Chair, CO ISOC


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