Is anyone else seeing intermittently down or very slow access to Google
services like YouTube and Google Play Store?  We have two upstream
providers: one peers with XO and Level3, one with Qwest.  When our Google
traffic is preferring the route through XO, we see things like YouTube
videos not loading, Android devices not able to download updates, Google
Play Music not streaming, etc.  The main source network we are seeing it
from is 206.111.9.XXX which is owned by XO according to whois, but seems to
be sourcing Google traffic.  I assume they are caching or CDN servers of
some type for Google that are hosted at XO.  The problem started on Friday
as far as we can tell.

We had a similar problem a few weeks ago with Google Images searching.  The
search result page showed the same thumbnail (a car crash) for anything you
searched for.  It was again being sourced from the 206.111.9.XXX network.
Clicking on the image showed you the proper image, just the thumbnails were
wrong.  It cleared up in a couple of hours in that case, but the current
problem has been going on for a while.


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